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Top Reasons and Ways to Explore Greece

Greece, renowned as the cradle of Western civilization, beckons countless travelers with its striking landscapes, delicious cuisine, hospitable people, and remarkable history. ...

Greece, renowned as the cradle of Western civilization, beckons countless travelers with its striking landscapes, delicious cuisine, hospitable people, and remarkable history. We’ll delve into these attractions and more, giving you not ten but many compelling reasons to put Greece at the top of your travel bucket list.


Factual sentences referenced across top search results:

  1. The Meteora Monasteries is one of the most incredible places I’ve ever been on earth, and I can 100% recommend you to go visit! (
  2. Popular tourist destinations in Greece can be expensive in summer, but if you travel out of season, such as when we flew from Athens to in December, we were able to get up to 60% off the summer rate in a Santorini boutique hotel. (
  3. Popular tourist destinations in Greece can be expensive in summer, but if you travel out of season, such as when we flew from Athens to in December, we were able to get up to 60% off the summer rate in a Santorini (
  4. Sustainable best practices READ MORE be found only in Greece; approximately 20% of those are aromatic or medicinal plants. (

Discover Unmatched Greek Hospitality

The term hospitality finds its roots deep in the heart of Greek culture. “Philoxenia,” meaning “friend to a stranger”, encapsulates the spirit of kindness and generosity the Greeks extend to visitors. Often, they will happily invite you into their homes, offering a warm, welcoming atmosphere to make you feel like part of their family.

Relish the World-Famous Greek Cuisine

One of the major lures of Greece is its mouth-watering cuisine. Greek food is grounded in the Mediterranean diet, one of the world’s healthiest, abundant in nutrients, and even credited with promoting longevity. Olive oil, a primary component of many dishes, and the wide variety of olives are globally celebrated and worth tasting.

Tavernas (local eateries serving traditional Greek meals) scattered across the country offer a definitive introduction to Greek culinary tradition. And what’s better than enjoying local dishes such as souvlaki and pita with gyros in an authentic local setting?

Food in Greece is synonymous with community, conversations, and everyday life, making the culinary journey as delightful as the food itself.

Enjoy the Varied Greek Beverages

Wine aficionados and casual drinkers will find a paradise in Greece. With a thriving wine industry, the country boasts an array of unique wines such as Assyrtiko, Retsina, Agiorgitiko, and Vinsanto, each with distinct characteristics. Particularly notable among them is the lip-smacking Assyrtiko from Santorini.

Also worth a try is ouzo, the famous Greek spirit known for its strong licorice flavor. The ritualistic serving of ouzo before meals with a glass of water offers an insight into the country’s drinking culture.

Dive into Greek Coffee Culture

Indulge in the captivating Greek coffee culture, which is more than just about drinking coffee. Drinking coffee in Greece borders on the ceremonial, often leading to long, restful breaks and social interactions. Trying the sugary and potent Greek coffee, the Nescafé- inspired “Ness,”; and the frosty summertime staple, frappé, can be an unforgettable experience.

Experience the Richly Layered History

Historically significant sites abound in Greece. The mesmerizing ruins scattered across the country, 18 of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites, serve as open-air museums and a testament to the country’s storied past.

Whether it’s the perfectly proportioned columns of the Parthenon, the awe-inspiring monument sitting atop Cape Sounion, the coastal ruins on the island of Delos, or the numerous well-preserved historical sites across the Peloponnese, a journey through these historical landmarks is nothing short of a walk through history itself.

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Bask in the Sun at the Pristine Beaches

Greece’s distinctive beaches, from sandy shores to rock-filled coasts, cater to every taste. Enjoy the crystal-clear waters and soak in the sun on nearly 380 Blue Flag-awarded beaches along the country’s vast coastline. Each beach has a unique charm and impeccable beauty, promising an unforgettable seaside sojourn.

Revel in the Pleasing Mediterranean Climate

Greece’s climate can vary considerably but generally falls under the Mediterranean category, making for pleasant and sunny summers. With mild winters also on offer, the weather rarely plays spoilsport to your exploration plans, positioning Greece as a viable year-round travel destination.

Enjoy Family-friendly Locales

Greece is considered an extremely family-friendly destination. Clear waters and sandy beaches are safe for children’s play and rich in engaging water sports and beach activities. Plus, the country’s abundant historical sites can provide an enjoyable way of learning history firsthand.

Experience Greece on a Budget

Though a popular travel destination, Greece remains welcoming to budget-conscious travelers. Traditional tavernas and local cafés offer relatively cheap dining options. Additionally, most of the splendid beaches are open and free to everyone. Several budget tours are designed to cover all essential sights without breaking the bank.

Feel Secure During Your Holidays

Greece is widely acknowledged as one of the safest countries globally, making it a top-notch choice for near-worry-free vacationing. However, adhering to general cautious measures is advisable, much like in any other travel setting. Licensed transfer services are recommended to avoid scammers, especially when commuting from airports or the port of Piraeus.

Explore Greece with The Travel Insiders’ tours, and experience these compelling reasons to visit this magnificent country firsthand!

Brief History of Greece

  1. Bronze Age (circa 3000 – 1100 BCE): The earliest civilization in the region was the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, followed by the Mycenaean civilization on the mainland.
  2. Dark Age and Archaic Period (1100 – 500 BCE): Greece experienced a dark age with limited cultural developments after the Mycenaean civilization’s decline. However, the Archaic Period saw city-states growth, including Athens, Sparta, and Corinth.
  3. Classical Period (500 – 336 BCE): This period is considered the Golden Age of Greece, marked by the development of art, architecture, literature, philosophy, and politics. Athenian democracy flourished, and philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle made significant contributions.
  4. Hellenistic Period (336 – 146 BCE): Greek culture expanded after the conquests of Alexander the Great, who spread Hellenism throughout the Mediterranean region, reaching as far as Egypt and India.
  5. Roman Period (146 BCE – 395 CE): Greece became part of the Roman Empire in 146 BCE, which ended Greek political freedom but allowed Greek culture to influence Rome.
  6. Byzantine Period (395 – 1453 CE): After the division of the Roman Empire, Greece became part of the Eastern Roman Empire, later known as the Byzantine Empire. This period saw the spread of Christianity and the establishment of the Greek Orthodox Church.
  7. Ottoman Rule (1453 – 1821): The fall of Constantinople in 1453 marked the beginning of Ottoman rule in Greece. Greek culture and Orthodox Christianity were preserved during this period, despite restrictions.
  8. Greek War of Independence (1821 – 1829): Inspired by European Enlightenment ideals and nationalism, the Greeks revolted against Ottoman rule, establishing an independent Greek state in 1830.
  9. Kingdom of Greece (1831 – 1924): Greece’s first monarch, King Otto of Bavaria, was installed in 1832. The kingdom underwent numerous territorial and political changes throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries, including the Balkan Wars and World War I.
  10. Greek Republic (1924 – 1935): The First Hellenic Republic briefly replaced the monarchy, but it was re-established by a referendum in 1935.
  11. World War II (1939 – 1945): Italy invaded Greece in 1940 and was subsequently occupied by Germany. The Greek resistance played a significant role in the fight against the Axis powers.
  12. Greek Civil War (1946 – 1949): Greece experienced a devastating civil war between the communist-led Democratic Army and the Greek government army. The conflict ended in 1949 with a government victory.
  13. Post-war and Military Rule (1950 – 1974): Greece underwent rapid economic growth and political instability, leading to a military coup in 1967, establishing a seven-year-long dictatorship under the junta.
  14. Modern Greece (1974 – present): Greece transitioned to a democratic republic following the junta’s collapse in 1974. The country joined the European Union in 1981 and adopted the Euro in 2001.

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Why go to Greece? 10 Reasons to Visit Greece this year … or any year!

Greece, featuring rich history, enthralling landscapes, delightful cuisine, and more, promises a fascinating travel experience anytime. The country encompasses elements from antiquity to modernity, offering memorable experiences to history enthusiasts and beach lovers alike.

What is so great about Greece?

Greece has an array of elements that make it a great destination. From splendid archaeological specimens echoing the past to inviting beaches, Greece is a treasure trove of experiences. Additionally, Greek food is renowned globally for its vibrant flavors and nutritional value. Its unmissable community spirit and uplifting local traditions form the backdrop of this welcoming country.

Is Greece worth visiting?

most underrated destinations
What are the most underrated destinations that are worth visiting?

Yes, Greece is worth a visit. Its intriguing past, natural beauty, vibrant culture, and mouth-watering cuisine impress everyone. Catering to various interests, Greece ensures a bespoke exploration experience, whether it’s history, cuisine, or a laid-back time at scenic locations.

Why is Greece popular with tourists?

The popularity of Greece among tourists lies in its multi-faceted appeal. Be it the captivating historical sites, the plethora of outdoor activities against jaw-dropping landscapes, local delicacies delivering authentic flavors, or the genial locals with legendary hospitality — Greece offers it all. Additionally, Greece provides a budget-friendly travel experience, adding to its universal attraction.

Why Visit Greece on Your Next Trip in 2023?

Visiting Greece in 2023 is an excellent choice as it continues to be a timeless beauty. Right from its historical significance apparent in ancient ruins to its incredible natural landscapes, culinary delights, and cultural richness, the country promises a well-rounded experience for discerning travelers.

When to visit Greece

While Greece is a year-round destination, the best time to visit depends on one’s preferences. For those desiring to soak under the sun, the warm summers from June to September are the perfect time to enjoy the clear waters and sandy beaches. However, to avoid the crowds and enjoy the historical sites more leisurely, spring (April to June) or fall (September to November) might be your best bet.

Need an Airport Pickup?

Secure and reliable airport pick-up services are available in Greece, making your transition from air travel to exploring the country as smooth as possible. It’s always recommended to book these services ahead of your travel to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Need Insurance for Greece?

It is advisable to have travel insurance while exploring Greece. It offers peace of mind while traversing new places and participating in various activities. Travel insurance typically covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and other unexpected travel-related issues. Ensure to investigate policy details to align with your travel plans and cover all potential risks for your upcoming Greek adventure.

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